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Planning your first solo trip may be a frightening and overwhelming experience, especially for the uninitiated. The thought of navigating a new place on your own, dealing with unexpected situations, and being away from the comfort of people you know can be daunting. However, with a little bit of planning and preparation, you can make your first solo trip less scary and more enjoyable. Here are 5 tips on how to make planning for your first solo trip less scary.

Start small

If you’re feeling overwhelmed by the idea of solo travel, start with a shorter trip to a destination that’s closer to home. This will give you a chance to get used to the idea of travelling alone and to test the waters before committing to a longer trip. This could be a weekend trip or a day trip to a nearby city. This way, you’ll be able to experience the joys and challenges of solo travel in a more controlled environment.

My first-ever solo trip was to Bangkok, Thailand. It was the beginning of a bigger “semi-solo” trip spanning across Southeast Asia, and for the first few days, Mum sent my big sister along to keep an eye on me. My Asian parents were apprehensive because I had just turned 21 and was headed on my first solo travel adventure. I survived the trip and came back in one piece, and successfully earned the trust of my parents for many, many solo trips to come!

Research your destination

Before you go, research your destination thoroughly. Learn about the culture, customs, and local laws, and familiarize yourself with the transportation system and popular tourist attractions. This will help you plan your packing list and will help you feel more confident and prepared when you arrive. It’s also a good idea to do a little research on the local emergency services and hospitals and keep this information handy in case of an emergency.

I love reading personal travel blogs because we, more often than not, get honest reviews on the places they’ve experienced. To get a feel for the attraction or hotel, reading Google Reviews and reviews on the respective booking sites (e.g. TripAdvisor,, Agoda) can be helpful in planning your first solo trip.

Make a plan (but sometimes wing it!)

Having a plan in place will help you feel more in control and less anxious. Make a list of the things you want to see and do and map out your itinerary. Make sure to include some flexibility when planning your first solo trip, so you can adjust it as needed. This will help you to have a sense of direction and structure to your trip, but also allow you to be spontaneous and take advantage of unexpected opportunities.

You’re not usually alone when you travel solo. You’ll meet fellow solo travellers along the way and make lifelong friends after spending some time together. You’ll meet locals inviting you to their homes and stuff you with delicious food. Having a plan means you’ll have something to look forward to for the day, but spur-of-the-moment plans are always very exciting.

Stay connected

One of the scariest things about solo travel is the thought of being alone and disconnected. When planning your first solo trip, Find out if your network provider has attractive roaming plans, or find the best travel sim or portable WIFI that suits your needs. Because of its expansive coverage, my Flexiroam e-sim is my go-to mobile device whenever I’m abroad. You can not only stay in touch with your family and friends back home but having an active connection helps you find your bearings in a new place as well.

Trust your instincts

Trusting your instincts is key when travelling alone. If something feels off or unsafe, don’t hesitate to leave the area or find a safer alternative. Remember that you are the only person responsible for your safety, so trust your instincts and listen to your gut. If you feel uncomfortable in a certain place or situation, don’t be afraid to leave and find a safer alternative.

Pro tip: As a solo woman traveller, you may encounter situations where you feel quite uncomfortable. Look for other women, especially mothers with young children or a group of ladies. Approach them cautiously and briefly state that you’re uncomfortable. In my experience, they’d usually embrace you with open arms. Similarly, if you see a fellow woman traveller looking unsure about themselves, offer your assistance. Even if they turn you down, at least you can feel better about offering.

To wrap up…

Planning your first solo trip can be scary, but with a little bit of preparation and open-mindedness, you can make the experience less daunting and more enjoyable. Remember to start small, research your destination, make a plan, stay connected, and trust your instincts. And most importantly, enjoy the experience and not be afraid to step out of your comfort zone. Solo travel can be one of the most rewarding and empowering experiences of your life. It can give you the opportunity to explore new places, meet new people, and learn more about yourself. So, take the leap and plan your first solo trip today!

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